Welcome to Beller Family Farm
Beller Family Farm has been a family owned and operated dairy farm since 1914. We are a fifth-generation farm and we pride ourselves on producing quality milk and encouraging a healthy community. We are proud of our heritage and enjoy the farming lifestyle, but we are also committed to the long-term success of our business. We work hard to maintain our sustainability by continuously learning and growing in a constantly changing industry.

We are located in Lewis County, NY in the Black River Valley region at the foothills of the beautiful Adirondack Mountains. This location provides us with an abundance of water (and snow) as well as beautiful summers perfect for raising cattle and growing crops. We are dedicated to cow comfort, utilizing responsible agricultural methods and creating quality working conditions for our employees, since agriculture is still the backbone of our community. If you get an opportunity to visit Lewis County and want to visit the farm, please contact us for a private tour. We love having visitors!